The South Wales Regional Port Marine Safety Management System
The Safety Management System prescribed in the PMSC focuses on the safe management of our port marine activities, ensuring that the risks are properly assessed, reviewed and updated as trades and practices change or when our experiences dictate the need. Along with risk assessment, monitoring and review the PMSC expects a Harbour Authorities Safety Management System to incorporate safety policies and procedures to:
• Ensure there is proper control of ship movements by regulating the safe arrival, departure and movement within the harbour of all vessels;
• Protect the general public from dangers arising from marine activities within the harbour;
• Carry out all its functions with special regard to the possible environmental impact;
• Prevent acts or omissions that may cause personal injury to employees or others.
The Port Marine Safety Code states that a Port Marine Safety Management System should also:
• Confirm the roles and responsibilities of key personnel at the harbour authority;
• Outline present procedures for marine safety within the harbour (including the port approaches);
• Refer to emergency plans that would need to be exercised; and
• Be audited (internally) on an annual basis.
Where appropriate, the Port Marine Safety Management System should assign responsibility for associated matters -such as the safety of berths; for maintaining channels; hydrographic surveys; environmental monitoring; and the provision of appropriate engineering and environmental advice.
Section 3 of the PMSC goes on to detail key measures for compliance. If our Port Marine Safety Management systems aim to ensure that along with the points above, these key measures for compliance are met then we can be reasonably assured that we are fulfilling the aims of the PMSC.
For that reason the Regional South Wales Port Marine Safety Management system manual not only details how the marine risks are assessed, mitigated and managed within the principles of ABP policies and the Group Port Marine Safety Management System but also describes how those “Key measures for compliance” are met and the procedures that are in place to meet them.
ABP South Wales Port Marine Staff all have access to the “controlled “copy of the document that links to ABP South Wales procedures, plans and operational manuals.
The following diagram outlines how the elements of the Group PMSMS , Policies, Regional PMSMS , local plans, local procedures and local manuals all fit together to ensure PMSC compliance for ABP South Wales