Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flight Applications

UAV flights within port boundaries for business reasons can be approved provided that the requirements are met and that there are no safety concerns.




The following documentation must be sent to UAVsouthwales@abports.co.uk in order for a UAV flight to be approved: 

  • Flight Request Form with Part A completed: form here 
  • Signed Indemnity and Disclaimer Form: form here
  • Flight Plan (showing take-off and landing points)
  • Company Public Liability Insurance
  • Pilot Certificate of Competence
  • CAA Authorisation Document (unless flying in the 'Open Category')
  • Risk Assessment Method Statement (RAMS) 


Once completed and emailed to UAVsouthwales@abports.co.uk, representatives from the Security, Marine and Health & Safety departments will review the documentation and, if applicable, approve the Flight Request Form. Please note that unless all three departments sign off on the form, it will not be considered valid and the flight will not be approved. 


If necessary, more information may be requested.


As per CAA regulations, if the UAV pilots meets the requirements to fly in the ‘open category’ and has the appropriate certification, then the CAA authorisation document will not be required. If this is the case, please state this clearly in the application.


Please also note that if the flight plan covers any area outside of the port boundaries or goes over another port facility, the applicant must contact the relevant organisation for their approval as well. ABP can only approve flights within the port limits.


It can take some time to review documentation so please submit the request form and documents at least 7 days in advance.


Unless agreed otherwise in advance, ABP will not be able to chaperone UAV pilots on the ports. Provisions must be made between the pilot and their clients.


If the flight is approved, the pilot will be required to call Local Port Services (LPS) at the start and end of drone operations.


If you have more questions or require specific information, please contact UAVsouthwales@abports.co.uk.