Sustainable Development
It is our policy to manage our obligations to the environment in a responsible manner and to develop our ports and transport business to meet the needs of the country’s trade in a way which has due regard for sustainable development both for our business and for the environment. This will involve campaigns to raise awareness of environmental issues, along with targeted training to ensure competence of staff. As part of this policy we aim to:
Manage our operations so as to be economically and environmentally sustainable. This involves not only complying with relevant legislation, but also adopting best practice and introducing robust environmental management mechanisms.
Identify, understand and prioritise the environmental risks inherent in our business, allocating the necessary resources to ensure that these risks are managed effectively and economically.
Continue to give primary emphasis to our statutory duties to protect the environment
Operate our ports to meet the growing demand for certain trades while having due regard for the adverse environmental effects arising from handling certain trades. Port development is vital to the economic health of the country and we have an important contribution to make to the debate that surrounds the shaping of future policy and legislation in this area.
Promote a culture within the organisation whereby responsibility for positive environmental management is embraced by each individual, whatever their role or position.
Develop further our framework for reporting on our actions so that it is consistent and transparent. This involves the setting and the publication of targets against which our performance can be measured and our continued participation in the Business in the Environment (BiE) index.
Continue our work with environmental non-government organisations (NGOs) in partnership towards shared objectives which benefit the environment.
Use science and information to help us to understand the environment and its needs when making decisions which affect the environment.
Ensure that pollution prevention is a major consideration in all operational activity.
Build on the environmental management we have achieved through a process of continuous improvement.
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